[摘要] 洛阳市隋唐城明堂遗址建筑为古文物保护建筑。为体现古建保护及绿色运用,根据《绿色建筑评价标准》GB/T 50378-2006,该古文物保护建筑整体设计以不破坏古文物、施工可逆(拆除再安装)的绿色概念为原则,做到建筑构件工厂预制、构件现场拼接、可逆施工、材料二次利用及循环利用等。本文介绍项目在遗址保护建筑中的绿色运用,为其他遗址保护性建筑提供新的思路和解决方案。
Keywords: Site protection; green using; reversible;construction; cyclic utilization;
[关键词] 遗址保护;绿色运用;构件预制;可逆施工;循环利用;
Construction design practice of Mingtang for the protection of the ruins of ancient buildings built in SuiTang Dynasty in Luoyang City
Wang Changxing,Xu Ke,Dai Yaowen,Tian Liqiang
Beijing TSINGHUA URBAN PLANNING & Design Institute, Beijing 100083,China
Abstract: Luoyang city hall building and site for the conservation of antiquities buildings. As the embodiment of ancient architecture protection and green use, according to the Green building evaluation criteria GB / T 50378-2006, the conservation of antiquities building to design a whole without destroying the antiquities, construction ( demolition and installation of reversible ) the concept of green principle, accomplish building components factory prefabricated, component field splicing, reversible, two utilization and construction materials recycling utilization. This paper introduces the project in ruins protection building green application for other sites, protective construction with new ideas and solutions.2012-徐珂论文-洛阳隋唐城明堂遗址保护建筑绿色运用.pdf