Analysis of some types of structural damages in Wenchuan earthquake
[提要] 2008年5月12号发生的汶川地震给震中及周边城镇带来严重的地震灾害,一些结构震害如鞭梢效应、楼梯破坏表现出较大的破坏性,应引起设计人员重视。砌体结构和预制结构虽然在本次地震中表现不佳,仍然是今后建筑业大量使用的形式,应加强研究确保抗震构造的合理性。提供墙体晃动痕迹照片,感受建筑物在地震中水平摆动幅度。
[关键词] 汶川地震 震害 鞭梢效应 楼梯 砌体结构 预制结构
Abstract:Wenchuan earthquake occurred in May 12th, 2008 brought catastrophic tragedy to Wenchuan and other areas all around. Some structural damage for their tremendous devastation, for example whiplash effect and stair shaft damages, should be thought much of by designer. masonry structures and precast structures were mainly destroyed objects, but they are important structural systems for a long time in future, they should be re-studied so that to insure they have adequate abilities to resist earthquake. Some photos of shaken wall are also provided, so horizontal shaken range of buildings can be realized.
Keywords: Wenchuan earthquake; earthquake damage; whiplash effect; stair shaft; masonry structures; precast structures
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